Hazardville Memorial School
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Full Day K Rocks!


James Graham
Main: (860) 763-7500
Fax:   (860) 763-7507

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Updated 092316

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 To contact the HMS PTO by email
please use the following address:

[email protected]


The above link will take you to the 
HMS PTO website.  This website is
not authorized by the Enfield Public
Schools and we are not endorsing
any particular product, practice,
service, provider or institution, or
facts presented on this site.




This is our former front page and is NOT updated but here as a resource for people.

Notice - 
New HMS Traffic Flow Alert
Please note that traffic flow has been rerouted on the North Maple Street side of Hazardville Memorial School. To enter the parking lot on the North Maple side of the school, vehicles will need to enter via the first entry next to the library. This was previously an EXIT only pass-through. The next two pass-throughs are now exit only.
This Change Impacts Parent Pick-Up and Drop-Off:
Parent pick-up and drop-off will still occur on the North Maple St. side of the building. These will be conducted on the sidewalk next to the cafeteria on the North Maple Street side of the building. Students will then be routed through Door 5 between the gymnasium and the cafeteria. 
Thank you for your attention to this very important change and we look forward to seeing the students on Thursday.

Our school rocks!
No images found.
 Please use our main entrance on North St.

  Good Afternoon HMS Families,
Our bucket filling program is part of our school’s approach to helping students develop positive, expected behaviors. The school uses a hybrid of PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports) and HYFABT (Have You Filled a Bucket Today?) By Carol McCloud. Up until recently the bucket filling was limited to our classrooms but right after Thanksgiving recess we went to a whole school collection bucket near the front office with the idea of earning school wide incentives. Up until then, students in each class worked to fill buckets in their individual classrooms but now when a classroom’s small bucket is full, the class empties it into the large whole school bucket. Doing it this way allows teachers to encourage kindness, hard work, good choice making and following school rules by starting with a positive incentive at the individual level (receiving a pompom). The student can then contribute their pompom to the small classroom bucket to help the classroom community earn a classroom level incentive. Once the classroom bucket is full, the class empties their pompoms into the large schoolwide bucket. This allows individual students and later, whole classrooms to contribute to earning a whole school incentive. 

Each pompom represents a celebration of a child’s achievement of the skills needed to be a positive role model and a valued member of our school community. The links below will help you find out more about the two programs which are highly compatible with one another.  

PBIS strategies/pbis-how-schools-support-positive-behavior


Please remember that anyone entering our school for any reason must have a valid picture ID with them.

October Events

10/26 - Early release

November Events

11/4 - Report Cards go home

11/7 - First Readers Ceremony, Fermi 6:00 pm

11/8 - Election day no school

11/9 - PTO meeting 6:00-7:30 in HMS Library

11/11 - Veterans day no school

1/14 & 16 - Elementary evening conferences

11/15 & 17 - Early release 1:50 pm and afternoon elementary conferences

11/16 - Picture retakes in the morning

11/22 - Gr. 1 Mystic Aquarium in-school field trip

11/23 & 25 - Thanksgiving Break no school



PTO officers President - Scott Ryder

Vice President - Shannon Morcus

Secretary - Leslie Lawlor

Treasurer - Janet Plewa

HMS PTO Officer - Brandy Kizis, Tammy Flynn-Paradis, Shawn Moore

Hazardville Memorial School is a COOL SCHOOL!



For information regarding Student Accident Medical 
Insurance Protection Program click HERE 





Mission Statement




The mission statement of Hazardville Memorial School is for parents, 

staff, students and community members to help students become respectful and responsible citizens of the 21st century.  Students will be provided with opportunities to grow academically, emotionally, socially, culturally, and physically with recognition of differences in a safe, environment.


Hazardville Memorial School is committed to creating a safe, 

learning community that fosters respect, responsibility, and kindness.

  Enfield Public Schools

  •  School Entry Security Protocol
  •  Our kids safety comes first!
The following protocol is to be used in all Enfield Public Schools facilities. This protocol is for persons responding to the buzzer entry system or working as a monitor at the entry of an EPS facility.
  1. Ask the person to state their name and reason for their visit before granting entry.
  2. Ask all visitors to report directly to the office after they are allowed in.
  3. All employees must show their ID badge or they must be treated as a visitor.
  4. All visitors must show a Driver’s License or a photo ID.
  5. All visitors must leave the Driver’s License or photo ID at the office during their visit.
  6. All visitors must sign-in on the EPS Entry Log.
  7. All visitors must wear a visitor badge while in the facility.
  8. All visitors must sign-out (Initial column of Entry Log) and return badge when they leave.
  9. Return the Driver’s License to visitor after they initial out.




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School Celebration Food Rules

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Enfield, CT 06082
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